Friday, January 24, 2014

Sensational Stencils

We have finally started out stencil cutting! Students are following the steps from my you-tube video Monopriting: creating a stencil.

Step 1:Tape down the image and tape down the velum on top of the image.
Step 2: Trace the outside (contour) of the image on the dull side of the velum
Step 3: Remove tape and image from under the velum
Step 4: Cut out image with an x-acto knife leaving a positive and a negative stencil

Students need 5-7 stencils cut out for PRINTING DAY!

Printed Images
Velum (Stencil Paper)

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Monopritning Begins!!

Students are ready to start bringing in all of their creative imagery for the monopriting project!
HOMEWORK this week was to collect 3-5 images based on the THEME that they picked for the project. images printed must make for a good SILHOUETTE image. Below in the video that I created showing the steps to create a stencil for the project. This video shows from searching the internet for images to tracing and cutting out the stencil. 

STEP 1: Creating a Stencil
Watch this video I made !!!!

Step 2: Coming soon!

Monday, January 6, 2014

Welcome Back Everyone!!
I hope that everyone had an enjoyable and relaxing winter break. The printmaking lab is ready to take off on a new exciting printmaking project! Monoprints!!!!! Below is the power point presentation that I will be showing in class during the lesson in addition to live and video demonstration! I will post new videos and pictures of the process!!!

 I will be asking students to research imagery for the project at home. This can be done on the computer or in magazines and books!

Stay on track and keep up the hard work!